Clark Findlay was introduced into Spiritualism in his youth and worked with the Red Cross during the Second World War. His main concern was healing which became his passion in life, working as a healer until he passed to the higher life aged 84yrs.
He bought Kingswells House in November 2003 and on his passing in November 2005 he bequeathed it to the Summerland Trust.
He was nephew of Arthur Findlay who bequeathed Stansted Hall to the Spiritualist National Union (SNU).
Clark’s family were descended from Allen Fitz Flaand the first Steward of Scotland in 1185 who founded the line of Stewart Kings and they continued to be closely associated with the Royal Family.
Eileen Davies worked alongside Clark since the beginning and has worked tirelessly to support the Trust. She has taught many courses at the House over the years as well as hosting students in her own home. She has offered her unwavering support, guidance, and phenomenal mediumship freely to all who have asked and without doubt the Trust would not have survived for this length of time without her. She has been the backbone of not only Kingswells House, but also the Summerland Trust.
Under the banner of the Summerland Trust, Eileen and the other trustees are continuing to support all those who are working towards spiritual unfoldment.
For 14 years Kingswells House offered a home from home atmosphere to the thousands of students who passed through its doors. People from all walks of life and cultures always commented on its warmth, healing, and the feeling of being 'home' there; it truly was a remarkable and magical place.
Many of the pioneers of Spiritualism have supported Kingswells House, people of great esteem such as Glyn Edwards, Gerard Smith, Eric & Heather Hatton, Eileen Davies, and many more. Besides these people, many other friends, volunteers, students and trusteeshave worked hard over the years to ensure that it offered that magic to everyone who visited it. Word soon spread within the Spiritualist Community that this place not only offered an 'intimacy' to the seeker and their development but also because group sizes were small, it also allowed for the greatest of help from the tutors. It was known as a place of quality teaching, and support, as well as being one of honesty, integrity, and love.
In 2019 the decision was made to sell the House so the work of the Trust could instead be continued around the UK.
Our philosophy at the Summerland Trust is to provide a supportive, nurturing environment which offers encouragement to each student.
It is our belief that each individual is unique and so therefore is their unfoldment. It is with this in mind that we keep the group sizes small so we can offer individual and personalised help. We maintain the highest regard for all forms of spiritual unfoldment and as such strive to ensure that what we provide through the Summerland Trust is of the greatest possible benefit for all.
Our students and attendees wellbeing and spiritual growth is of paramount importance to us.
Summerland Trust - Registered Charity Number SC036863